Excessive Use of Cell Phone and Social Media Affect Relationships…This is all Avoidable

Excessive Use of Cell Phone and Social Media Affect Relationships...This is all Avoidable

One of the Barbados’ psychologists, also reverend Dr. Marcus Lashley is saying today that i “the increased use of social media, particularly on cell phones, has led to a variety of problems for relationships in Barbados”.

This is the reality that we are faced with each and everyday and needs to be dealt with. Persons are allowing social media and the ability to constantly have their friends at the tip of their fingers, to get in the way of their relationship and normal daily activities.

I firmly believe that there is a time and place for everything and people should draw a line. The urge to pick up the phone and check a message every time you are alerted by a ping, or constantly check your bb or whatapp messages seem more like an addiction in my opinion.

If this is something that is affecting your relationship, do something about it.

There is a time and place for everything. Don’t let your relationship or marriage be hindered by these things.

Another thing and this is specifically to the women. If you continue to place your sexy pictures on Facebook, men (who are mostly attracted by sight) will most likely make comments about your picture which will mostly likely make your loved one feel a nit uncomfortable. Such situations can cause unnecessary jealousy, quarrelling and break ups. This is all unavoidable. Wise up!

Article link: http://www.nationnews.com/articles/view/phone-blot/